Monday, 22 September 2014

Menu planning - 22 - 28 September

Well we are back to 3, as the eldest has now returned to uni, so hopefully our grocery bills will go down, and we will get into a better routine.

Monday - Salmon

Tuesday - Not stuffed mushrooms

Wednesday - Coconut curry chicken

Thursday - Pineapple chilli

Friday - Thai curry tilapia

Saturday - Meatza

Sunday - Honey ginger apple pork

I will be sharing as usual with Mrs M - a good place to see what other people are doing!

Historic Menu planning 1 -21 September

I realised that I hadn't updated my blog recently.

I have gone back to doing a month menu planning in one go, but I then need to remember to put it up here each week.

The advantage to doing historical menus, is that it smooths over the weeks when you have had to shuffle eveything because of a school event or buying a cheap chicken!

Monday 1 - Tuna
Tueday 2 - Caramel apple pork chops
Wednesday 3 - Chicken not pie
Thursday 4 - Bacon wrapped meatloaf
Friday 5  - Cheesy fish
Saturday 6 - Coconut curry pork
Sunday 7 - Asian meatballs

Monday 8 - Poached salmon
Tuesday 9 - Pork burgers
Wednesday 10 - Honey mustard chicken
Thursday 11 -  Roast chicken (from Asda reduced shelf!)
Friday 12 - Curried fish chowder
Saturday  13 - Shepherd's pie
Sunday 14 - Balsamic pork

Monday 15 - Tuna
Tuesday 16 - Beef & prune bake
Wednesday 17 - Citrus pork chops
Thursday 18 -Hungarian meatloaf
Friday 19 - Ribs
Saturday 20 - Salmon fish cakes
Sunday 21 - Beef stew