Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Menu planning 20 - 26 February

Well, we stuck to the menu last week, but now there is only two of us here, it's not hard to do that!

Monday - Poached salmon

Tuesday - Slow cooked chicken - although I have discovered it is too big to fit into our new slow cooker and have to get the old one out!

Wednesday - Pork chops

Thursday - Spiced kheema
Due to a change in plan, we need something that is quick and easy to make

Friday - Fish pie

Saturday - Pork chops
the other half of the packet from Wednesday, just cooked in a different way

Sunday - Beef & prune bake

Sharing with Hijacked by Twins Menu Planning Monday

Fish pie


  1. Love a fish pie and may steel that for next week #mealplanningmonday

    1. You can sneak all sorts of things into a fish pie! We use sweet potato as the topping
