Saturday, 19 October 2013

Alternative to Leek & potato soup?

When you have gone low carb, it sometimes is difficult to find lunch food that is portable.

Many years ago, I bought a thermos flask with a wide neck - it's great for soups and stews when you are at work in the winter.

I have been looking for a soup that is easy, freezes well and tastes good.  I do a lot of craft markets and when I do a whole day one, I need a portable lunch, so soup is good.

I have tried Asda's pre-chopped soup mixes, but it be honest they weren't great when you balance the time against the price.  This year they have a new butternut squash soup, but if you follow the directions it is not cooked in the time they say, and if you continue to cook it, it reduces the liquid by a third.  It costs £1.

Asda have just bought out a spicy parsnip soup mix - it tastes really nice, and you roast the vegetables in the oven before boiling it, which gives it a lovely texture - but it costs £1.50 for the pre-chopped veg!

Last year, I tried a broccoli soup and I remembered it was good - it also uses the broccoli stalks, so is ideal to finish off the leftovers!  She calls it 'garbage soup', but it is better than that.  My husband was happy to have this as an alternative to leek and potato soup, as it does have bit of a kick!

So Curried cream of broccoli soup is the way to go!

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