Monday, 20 January 2014

Menu planning 20 - 26 January

Last week went to plan -

We finally had Fish chowder.  I can only buy plantains (a savoury banana) in Asda in Swindon, and over Christmas they haven't stocked them.  But finally last week they were back!  I cut them into thick slices and cube the slices, frying them off in lard/butter to use instead of croutons.

I made enough beef stew to freeze one portion, so I can take that to an event when everyone else will be having a takeaway

The bring and share meal was a joint birthday/AGM of a Scout & Guide group that I am involved with. The theme had been green and gold, so I took along things I was happy to eat - 2 soups, butternut squash and broccoli, as well some chicken drumsticks and a gluten free chocolate 'brownie'

I was pleased to hear that some other people from Mrs M's Meal Planning FB page were going to try my Coconut turkey stew, hope they enjoyed it!

So this week

Monday - Salmon, cooked in foil packets with a little oil and water

Tuesday - Caramel apple pork chops

Wednesday - Chicken not-pie

Thursday - Pineapple chilli

Friday - Fish pie, using sweet potato as topping

Saturday - Honey ginger apple pork

Sunday - Meatza

I will be sharing as usual with Mrs M's Meal Planning Monday


  1. Ohh I do like the sound of the Pineapple chilli.....Yum x

    1. It has the advantage that you can make it early and put it into the slow cooker, or if you are running late, can just cook it for dinner - and it doesn't have beans in it!
      Go gentle on the spices, my son complains that I am trying to poison him!
