Sunday, 1 January 2017

Whole 30 - year 3

I have decided again to start the year on a Whole 30 programme.
In 2016, I did this in full, and then as Easter was early I continued without sugar throughout Lent, so about three months. I know that sugar is my biggest problem, although I also know that although I am not allergic to grains, my body is not particularly happy with them.

The main purpose of the Whole 30 programme is to reset your body, particularly if you have food related allergies.

The plan is that you eat real food - meat, fish, vegetables and fruit, natural fats, nuts and seeds - basically food with few ingredients. You avoid sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes and dairy as well as MSG and sulfites. As well as this you don't have any baked goods, as these are often the items that have caused the problems.

The main plan is to focus on making good food choices. You need 30 days to create the healing cycle from inflammatory foods.

I intend to use this blog to record how the month goes (and get back into regular menu planning), probably not with photos, but as a diary of meals.

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